Addressing the Misconceptions About Disability Claims


Disability benefits under Social Security are financial assistance provided to qualified persons who cannot maintain employment due to a disabling condition. You need to have worked enough years and be diagnosed with the condition that keeps you from working on getting these benefits. Monthly payments will be made to you by Social Security if you are approved for disability benefits.

Despite the critical nature of this protection, a significant number of people lack it. Disability benefits from Social Security might be challenging to get. Unfortunately, few individuals are familiar with the system because most people won’t investigate it until they need it. Due to the system’s complexity, many myths regarding obtaining SSDI benefits persist.

Disproving Disability Claims Myths

There is a great deal of information floating around that is either untrue or likely to mislead people concerning Social Security disability claims. This is understandable to some extent, given the difficulty of navigating the procedure of obtaining these benefits. Hence, this article aims to disseminate accurate information about disability benefits from Social Security.

1. My claim will be approved as my doctor declared me disabled.

Although the information from your doctor is included as part of the required medical proof for approval, the doctor is not the one who ultimately makes the decision. 

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is the sole body that can decide whether or not a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claim will be approved. This is because granting benefits is ultimately a legal determination rather than a medical diagnosis, even though health factors are at the foundation of SSDI decisions. If  you’re planning to claim back injures disabilities, you can ask the assistance of a reputable firm to assist you in you’re application.

2. All first-time applicants are denied.

Although it’s true that approximately 70 percent of applications are rejected in the first stage, the majority of the time, it’s because of errors in the applicant’s paperwork or a lack of acceptable medical documents. 

Take the time to thoroughly and accurately fill out the application and include detailed medical proof supporting your claim of disability. You can significantly increase the likelihood that you will be approved. You can check this page and ask for assistance regarding your claim for disability.

3. You can’t work when receiving disability benefits. 

People diagnosed with disabling medical problems are eligible to receive SSDI benefits, which are relatively low payments that provide a financial safety net. They are not designed to, and cannot, fully substitute for earnings from gainful employment. SSDI beneficiaries can work.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) strongly suggests beneficiaries return to labor if possible and allows a nine-month trial period during which recipients can work without losing their benefits. The SSA will no longer treat you disabled if you’re still working and doing a substantial gainful activity after nine months. For example, a social security disability end-stage renal disease will prevent you from working of performing your primary task as an employee, or even as an individual.

4. There’s no reason for me to hire a lawyer.

An attorney’s assistance is not required to file for or appeal a denial of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claims, but it can be very helpful. Furthermore, a knowledgeable SSDI lawyer is aware of the timelines and regulations necessary to qualify for benefits and the complexities involved in SSDI cases.

If your grant for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits is rejected, hiring an attorney will put you in the greatest position to protect your legal rights and navigate the application process successfully.

5. Only work-related injuries or illnesses qualify for SSDI.

Claims from the Social Security Disability Insurance program can be obtained regardless of whether the accident or sickness occurred while working or was caused by working conditions. There are several reasons why people think this way.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are sometimes misunderstood as workers’ compensation. The latter requires a work-related disability or disease that keeps you from working. To be clear, though, receiving SSDI payments does not necessitate that your work brought on your disabling condition.